How to Write A Good Research Proposal

A reproduction of the articles Doc Ivy wrote for the Philippine Medical Association Newsletters, Volume XXIX and Volume XXX. Part One is about The Research Question. Part Two is on The Research Objectives. Read these articles below:
Global Surgery Indicators and Pediatric Hydrocephalus: A Multicenter Cross-Country Comparative Study Building the Case for Health System Strengthening

Kevin Paul Ferraris1*Eric Paolo M. Palabyab1 Sergei Kim2Hideaki Matsumura3Maria Eufemia C. Yap4Venus Oliva Cloma-Rosales5German Letyagin2Ai Muroi3Ronnie E. Baticulon1,6Jose Carlos Alcazaren1Kenny Seng1,6Joseph Erroll Navarro1 This article is available online: Click here If you have questions you may send us a message at
2018 IHBSS: The National HIV Prevalence Survey

For the 2018 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serological Survey, we were commissioned by UNAIDS Philippines and partnered with the Philippine DOH Epidemiology Bureau to conduct the data analyses, capacity building on regression analysis, and provide data visualization and technical writing for this full report and fact sheets.
Philippine Pediatric Asthma Clinical Practice Guidelines (2021)

About the Project101 Health Research proudly served as the Evidence Review Experts and Technical Writers for the 2021 PAPP Philippine Pediatric Asthma Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). This guideline was accepted by the Department of Health on its first submission, with only optional minor revisions, showcasing the rigor and quality of our work. Explore the guideline […]
Pediatric Asthma CPG Abridged Version
Utilization of Social Health Insurance for Maternal Health Services in the Philippines

Abstract and figures
The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) implemented the Maternity Care Package (MCP) in 2001 making explicit the intention to improve health care access and financing support for pregnant members. The MCP benefit was one of the health financing packages aimed at attaining the Millennium Development Goals. After more than a decade of design enhancements and implementation, a review of its utilization can inform whether PhilHealth coverage led to maternal health care access among women of reproductive age. A household survey among women of reproductive age using a multistage sampling design was conducted in 2016. Out of 1,041 respondents, only 67.5% were aware of PhilHealth benefits for delivery care; respondents aware about the coverage for antenatal (48.3%) and postnatal care (39.8%) were even fewer. Among PhilHealth members, the self-reported utilization of MCP for delivery was 29.7%, and even lower during the antenatal (18.9%) and postnatal periods (13.0%). Sociodemographic factors associated with higher utilization of MCP included older maternal age, older maternal age at first childbirth, at least college education, employment, and knowledge about their MCP entitlements. Continuity of care and awareness of entitlements need to be improved. It is critical to address underlying gaps in access to reproductive health services, education, and employment, as well as to give attention to younger and teenage mothers. These findings hold lessons for a low-and middle-income country moving to provide universal health coverage to reduce maternal deaths.
Comparison of School-Based and Home-Based Application of Permethrin Shampoo for the Treatment of Pediculosis Capitis—A Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Trial

Lady Diana Rose Laus-David, MD Makati Medical Center, Makati City Venus Oliva Cloma-Rosales, MD 101 Health Research, Makati City Click here to read.
2014 Proceedings on Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy and Pediatric Pulmonary Function Testing

About the Proceedings101 Health Research served as the Editors and Publishers for the 2014 Proceedings on Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy and Pediatric Pulmonary Function Testing. These documents provide valuable insights into best practices and advancements in pediatric pulmonary care. Preview the ProceedingsGet a glimpse of the proceedings [will be uploaded soon]: Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy – Preview Pediatric Pulmonary Function Testing – […]