
A Quick Review of the First Day #WCRI2024

June 2, 2024—The 8th World Conference on Research Integrity kicked off with a series of pre-conference presentations throughout the day. The conference officially began with the Opening Plenary and Welcome Reception.

During the Opening Plenary, there were several Welcome Addresses. Among the speakers was Costas Charitidis, WCRI2024 Co-chair, who welcomed participants both in the plenary hall and those joining online. He noted that this is the most attended WCRI to date, with 887 participants listed in the official e-bag. “Athens is the center of the multidisciplinary research integrity global community for the next four days,” he remarked.

A Keynote Speech by Jan Helge Solbakk followed, focusing on “Excellence versus Integrity in Research – The Case of Oedipus.” After the speech, excerpts from Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus were performed in modern Greek with English translations. The Plenary concluded with a performance by Spiros Lambrou’s children’s choir.

Team #101HealthResearch is grateful to be part of #WCRI2024 as delegates and sponsors. #101RISe